An ill-advised attempt to combine a Dimensional Flux Agitator and very fashionable claw-foot tub has resulted in the gang being stranded in a dimension of Generally Aggressive and Menacing Entities. In this cooperative survival game you'll need to navigate the ghoul-infested neighborhood, collect Junk to repair the tub, and try to stay alive!For the past several months I've been working with Pete to develop a few games based on Sluggy. One of them, Dimension of G.A.M.E., has entered the playtest stage to lead up to a crowdfunding campaign to get it printed and in the hands of board gaming Sluggy fans.
If you'd like to participate in the playtesting, I'll be posting a set of print-and-play files in the next few days so you can try it out at home and give feedback. I'll also be at Save Against Fear in York, PA November 8-10 running playtests of both Dimension of G.A.M.E. and another game that's in the works as well.
Also, if you'd like to sign up for notifications about the upcoming crowdfunding campaign (currently aiming for early next year to avoid getting lost in the upcoming holiday shuffle), you can sign up with
this form.
In the meantime if you've got any questions or comments, leave them below!
Also, what was your favorite hostile dimension that's been shown in the comic so far? I've always been partial to the Dimension of Lame, but the Dimension of Rain has always been a close second for me.